Sunday, July 24, 2011

¿Otro por favor?

It's so hard to stay up-to-date on posts. I keep falling asleep every time i get the chance (probably because I have been staying out super late--till 5 am--all week). But yesterday, I spent the entire day sleeping, cleaning/organizing, and talking to friends for hours on Skype. I didn't ever leave the apartment, I hardly even left my room (which worried my home-stay mother), but I really needed to rest for a day.

My super-sweet, really awesome roommate left a few days ago/ I miss her a ton. She was so friendly and we got along so well! Most of the friends, that I have made here, left yesterday as well. I hope I don't have to say I will never see them again, because even though I may have only known them for a few weeks, it feels like a life time. I am going to tell everyone that I've met in Barcelona (from all over the world) that they will always have an invitation to stay with me in NYC for a few nights if they ever want to visit, which I hope they do.

Have you ever drunken a 'cortado'? I forgot how amazing coffee in Europe is....trying hard not to drink to much everyday, I don't want to become a caffeine addict. A cortado is a coffee drink (one of three that are common), it is an expresso/cappuccino I guess...anyway its so much better than anything from starbucks. I do miss iced coffee though. If I wake up late and the coffee is already cool, then I attempt to make my self an iced-soy-coffee.
Other food that is really good and not available in the US: turon, hamon serrano, Lemon flavored Fanta, and well I can't remember anything else right now. But I miss peanut butter! I found out that the restaurant/bar Dostrece has breakfast food--american breakfast food. I almost cried when I found out that I can get a pb&j bagel. More than definitely going to have one on monday morning.

What I've been listening too a ton this weeked:

*best song on the album. funny how she doesn't sound that great live, but she sings on most of their best songs.

*I love: 'if I could just leave my body for the night!' It is such an integral part of human nature--the want to feel 'free' and 'alive' and 'connected to the universe'.

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