Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Barcelona, Day 2.

Barcelona is beautiful! I love it so far, I just wish my Spanish was a little better (but it will be soon, I've already noticed improvement), and I miss everyone/everything at home a little. My mom is going to Skype me with the puppy tomorrow! Sadly, Chuleta (my puppy) is who I miss the most. She is so cute, and I keep seeing dogs on the street that remind me of her.

11:00 pm: I'm sitting on the porch right now (on the 6th floor) and there is a building beneath us that has lots of stay cats on top of it. From what I understand, people from the surrounding apartments throw food to them. and they are all 'fixed' and maybe someone cleans up their 'living space' every once in a while. Kinda reminds me of the musical Cats.

There are a lot of customs in Spain that are not too different then anywhere else, but are just odd to foreigners. A few examples:

  • Spaniards don't like to drink cold water because they think it will give them a cold/sore throat. 
  • Its not normal to drink anything out of the bottle, you have to pour everything into a glass.
  • Lunch is the biggest meal, but dinner is not that small either.
  • Most people don't start work until 9, break for lunch at 2, go back at 4, and leave around 9.
  • Most vehicles on the road are mopeds.
  • Everyone is very energy conscious: there is little air conditioning, 4 different types of large recycling/garbage bins every few blocks, no one owns dryers.  
  • They use military time.

*I like a lot of these things, but I am just not used to them.
I think my favorite thing about Spain right now, is that it doesn't get dark until 10:00 pm.
I also like that the metro is easy and effective---if you know where you are going. The best part is that you have to push a green button or pull a lever in order for the doors to open (they don't open automatically). haha, its fun, but I recommend anti-bacterial gel afterwords.

4:30 am: I just fell asleep on my laptop, I was quite confused when I woke up, with my head on the bottom end of the bed. Now that I got up to use the bathroom, I can't go back to sleep. I was going to write a lot more today, but I can't remember most of what I wanted to write about (because I passed out).

Oh, all clothing stores are having "Rebajes"/"Rebaixes" right now. Which means everything has to go on sale (via government required). The sales are really great, well known stores are up to 50% off, and might get to 75% by the end of the week. I can't wait to shop, but I am afraid I'll splurge (the Euro is worth 1.5 dollars).

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