Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is Majestical a Word?

Took a cable car up to the Castle Montjuic yesterday. It was magnificent, I should have brought my camera....I'll have to go back! It was also beautiful at night when you could see the entire city lit up from the castle at the top of the mountain. Kind of like you were up-side-down because below you was dark like space, and it happened to be extraordinarily vibrant that night.

They (people who work for the museum maybe?) played the movie Inglorious Bastards (projected) on a gigantic screen in the garden of the castle. There where possibly a thousand people or more there picnicking on the grass (or if they where smart, blankets/chairs/etc), to watch the movie. It had Spanish subtitles, so the parts that were not in English were harder to understand...especially when the subtitles are in front of a white background and blend in. We had to leave before it ended to catch the very last metro home, but I like Quentin Terrentino, so I'll have to watch it again, this time with English subtitles.
A small jazz group also played music on a stage until the sun went down, they were hard to hear from the chatter of people conversing and eating, but from what I heard, I loved it. I think they even played a Frank Sinatra song; they had a wonderful female singer.  

Yo. Here are some pics from sight-seeing in Barcelona:

*I realize now that I didn't really take as many pictures as I thought I did. Next time I will charge the battery and put more space on the SD card.

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