They (people who work for the museum maybe?) played the movie Inglorious Bastards (projected) on a gigantic screen in the garden of the castle. There where possibly a thousand people or more there picnicking on the grass (or if they where smart, blankets/chairs/etc), to watch the movie. It had Spanish subtitles, so the parts that were not in English were harder to understand...especially when the subtitles are in front of a white background and blend in. We had to leave before it ended to catch the very last metro home, but I like Quentin Terrentino, so I'll have to watch it again, this time with English subtitles.
A small jazz group also played music on a stage until the sun went down, they were hard to hear from the chatter of people conversing and eating, but from what I heard, I loved it. I think they even played a Frank Sinatra song; they had a wonderful female singer.
Yo. Here are some pics from sight-seeing in Barcelona:
*I realize now that I didn't really take as many pictures as I thought I did. Next time I will charge the battery and put more space on the SD card.
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