Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hey! Its a wonderful kind of day!

I listened to the "Arthur" (the kid's TV show with the Anteater) theme song, I can't believe I still know most of the words! haha, and I forgot how good it is, its like a child-appropriate reggae.

The concert that I worked at on friday for my internship had a really good Spanish reggae band play. I've never been to a reggae concert before....I have never sen so many people with dreadlocks/smoking weed all at the same time in one place. It was an interesting experience, I wish I had taken photos.
^^listening to that right now.

feels like summer. feels good. don't want to go back home that bad. I just want home to come to me...all of my friends and stuff could just suddenly appear and I could live in Barcelona, going out all the time, and doing whatever I felt like. The weather is so great here, right now, sitting on the porch is perfect. However, this week it did rain on wednesday and thursday. We were celebrating a friend's birthday with a party at the beach, but we got poured on around 3 am. It was bad, but we had had a great time anyway.

I think the most exciting thing that has happened this week, would be running into the German boys that I met on Wednesday night twice on thursday! Haha, what are the chances? It was really cute, but I still don't remember their names....oh well, I think they left already. I ran into my favorite of them on the stairs of the Metro, I was going down, and they were going up. They yelled "hey" at me while passing, but I kept walking a little, then turned around and yelled "hey" back. It kinda made my day a little.

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