Friday, June 10, 2011


Yep. I got sunburnt. :/
Luckily, only on the top/front of my shoulders. I am normally very cautious with protecting my skin, since I was a lifegaurd. I used sunscreen today, but clearly not enough. It was sooo hot and humid yesterday, record breaking temperatures near 100 degrees (and I live very far from the equator).  

This is only one of 3-ish times that i have ever been (lobster-red) sunburnt.
The worst/funniest time, was when I was on vacation with my family 2 summers ago, in Cancún. We had the entire day to just sleep under the palm tree huts. My entire family feel asleep for over an hour in the shade. Well, it turned out that the shade didn't really protect us from UV rays....we woke up and went back to the hotel. When we looked in the mirror, all of us had very distinct red-white tan lines. It was quite embarrasing, going out for dinner that night, everyone stared. You think I would have learned my lesson.

Really worried about skin-cancer now (via ozone depletion), and using sunscreen with dangerous toxins in them...kinda wonder if the FDA even tests the end, everyone has to die somehow, so i guess i am not that worried, just upset.

Watched One Week on Netflix Instant Watch today. It was alright, I liked the idea of it, but it could have been a better film. The main character (a young, healthy man) is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and decides to adventure before he becomes a cancer patient.
I think I would do the same, if I was still relatively healthy. Once one starts agressive cancer treatment, the (physical and emotional) agony is great, that fulfilling lifelong wishes (via the bucketlist) is pretty hard to do.

What would you do if you had one day, one week, or one month to live?
Would you want to adventure on your own, or stay home with friends and family?

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