Wednesday, June 15, 2011

if not now, then ever?

I have also just finished reading The Haiku Anthology (3rd Edition), so good. I guiltfully (is that a word?) bent down a lot of the pages to be able to go back and remember which poems where my favorites. I then recited most of them to some of my closest friends, they enjoyed them too. Some were serious (via exposing universal/human truths), while others were more simple.

tugging and begging/at the end of his leash/the dog's owner - Mykel Board
mirror//my face where I left it - Bob Boldman
morning surf/a dog fills the sky/with seagulls - Jim Boyd
it is growing dark,/no one has come to the door,/and still the dog barks - L.A. Davidson
back from vacation/I let traces of sand/remain in the car trunk - Robert Epstein
how come/whatshisname/never speaks to me - Dee Evetts
I hear her sew/I hear the rain/I turn back a page - Leroy Gorman
winter night/writing letters/to get letters - Marlene Mountain
acid rain less and less i am one with nature*/*less and less nature is nature - Mountain
tonite/nothing to write//but this - Alan Pizzarelli
Sunset:/riding the merry-go-round/alone. - Alexis Rotella
between cities/on the interstate/so many stars - Karen Sohne
alone at last/i wonder where/everyone is - George Swede
Sunrise:/I forget my side/of the argument - Swede
thick fog lifts--/unfortunately, I am where/I thought I was - Swede
the blues singer/tells us how bad it is/then the sax tells you too - Cor Van Den Heuvel
reunion:/a pause/before each hug - Ruth Yarrow
I stop to listen;/the cricket/has done the same. - Arizona Zipper

Also, for today:
a new video for Panda Bear-Surfer's Hymn

love that it seems spooky, but is actually happy (they're just doing what they love!)

And an amazing/beautiful/lo-fi? video for the newest Fleet Foxes-Grown Ocean. If the embeded video isnt working, try the link below (it is really worth watching!):,54OXNjMjqVsZ_BGb8Iubu_EDT8vAQ57Q

That music video makes me want to be best friends with them and live the way they do, so I can be happy like they are. I want my life to be like that video: full of love and freedom.

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