Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Peanut Butter Jar

I just spent 10 minutes scraping the inside of a peanut butter jar with a spoon. Then I ate pizza. I feel disgusting. I wish I had the will power to go vegan and stop eating unhealthy food.

I disapprove of consumerism in the modern world, especially after reading "The Omnivore's Deilema" and watching documentaries like "Food Inc." How to large corporations get away with all of the horrible, dangerous, and discusting things that they do? Food is just one example of this problem. What about everything else humans spend their money on? The production of manufactured goods is keep secret from the consumer.

I don't know if there is much to change this phenomenon, but I like to do what I can, even if it probably wont help: trying to convince myself and others to buy local, fair-trade goods, and boycotting companies that are involved in sketchy tactics.

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