Thursday, August 4, 2011


I am trying to finish a post before I run out of Wi-Fi time (or weefee, as they call it in spanish), but I have too much to say. I just highlighted a ton of what I wanted to mention in this post, and deleted it. I decided if I am ever going to finish, I should just make it simple.
I don't have any pictures ready to put up right now either, but I promise to post some as soon as possible!  Check out this list of places I have visited/plan to visit since Monday: Cadaques, Carcassonne, HondarribiaSan Sebastian, Pamplona, Najera, Santo Domingo, LogroƱo, Madrid....more places?
*I think Barcelona is still my favorite so far, but maybe because it feels like home now.

Did I mention the police came (knocking on the door) to the rooftop party I went to last Friday? I never really found out, but I think they came because of noise complaints. I hope someone was taking photos of that night because I didn’t think to bring my camera. It was lot of fun and the 'unofficial going away party' for about seven people (including me), it got a little crazy. Like every night out in Barcelona, I met a lot really interesting people-that I would totally hang out with/want to be friends with-but it was disappointing realizing that I was leaving the next day and I wouldn't get the chance to hangout with them or anything.
After that party, I got back to my homestay apartment around 7 am. I was really hungry and I didn't think the my homestay mother (the older lady whose home I was living in) would be awake I started raiding the refrigerator for food. As I was stuffing left over pasta into my mouth, she walks into the kitchen and says (translated to english), "you're up already? wow, its so early! I thought I heard the door open, so I wanted to see if it was you leaving or something" and I told her, "actually, I am just getting in!". Luckily, she is really sweet and just laughed at me for being crazy and staying out all night. Even though there where other students living with us, she quickly learned that I would happily sleep all day, if I could (if she hadn't seen me in a long time, she would knock on my door to see if I was still alive).

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