Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Life in a Day, Tomorrow in a Year

NYU has many 'satellite' campuses around the world, but the only one that has classes in my major, is Prague. I really want to go. The classes are only offered in the fall, so I would probably have to go next fall, or the one after (but I'd rather do next fall, and take some classes over this summer).
Many of my international friends have told me that Prague is nice, but I shouldn't bother learning the language (Czech)...that is a little sad, but ok. Hopefully, if/when I am studying there, I will have the chance to explore throughout the European Union (now that I will receive my Spanish Citizenship very shortly).

I've been listening to a lot of Washed Out lately. Everyone knows its some of the best music to make love to, it's just sensual//sexy. I mean just look at the cover art on the latest album--sex:

Also, tUnE-yArDs' song, Bizness is brilliant. I recently found out, that she will be performing at the Lincoln Center. Thats a pretty big deal right? The video (below) is similar to performance art, and I just love the sound of the guitar at the beginning. She is beautiful artist, whoo seems to be confident in her style/artwork. You go girl!

Hmm, check this out:
Life in a Day (a movie you can watch on youtube/right here).
*not gunna lie, I haven't watched it yet...but I plan on finishing it soon. For now, enjoy and leave comments about it!

The title reminds me of The Knife album, Tomorrow, in a Year (which I love, and just happened to buy last week). I like to describe the album as an electronic opera. Do you agree? or am I way off?

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