Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Updates & The End of an Era

I don't think I posted anything in December. I am sorry for the absence, life is complicated, and I have poor time management skills....Soooo happy late holidays/new years! My you always find beauty in your life and know that the Sun will always be lit, even when it rains.
^^damn it. that was corny...but I just thought of it (i didn't get it from a fortune cookie).

I am on the second half of my winter break between semesters. I am starting to get lazy and bored. I just started using Twitter--which I actually like, more then another social media--expect for the fact that I'd rather not see what is 'trending' because it normally makes me want to cry (via stupidity and Bieber-lovers).
Oh, and please feel free to follow me! @ah_fez

Netfilx Instant has also been taking up a lot of my time in the past week. The last film I saw was, Cashback, which I highly recommend. It is a drama/independent film/semi-comedy/sorta-feel-good-romance about an young artist who deals with his insomnia by 'freezing time' and sketching people in their frozen positions. It was not what I expected from the Netflix description, it is actually very beautiful. I'd watch it again, it is sweet, and artistic, and creative (so naturally I liked it for not being 'mainstream' or whatever).

On Saturday, I am going back to the city for one night, to see Girls and Real Estate (and King Krule apparently?) at Terminal 5. It should be a great show, it sold out fairly fast. I am anxious/excited!

This SNL short makes me lawlzz.

Anyway, I don't remember much from DEcember, because I didn't post anything, and now its too late to refresh my are some delayed updates on my life:

-I missed my puppy sooo much, and I finally get to play with her all the time! Ok, I understand that I am crazy about my dog....I feel sorry for my friends. I am always saying "aww, look at this photo, isn't she so cuuuute! I love her so much!" and if I see a dog anywhere its: "oh my gawd, that doggy is so cute! I wanna cuddle with it."

- I finished my first semester of college at NYU! I should be really happy, but I actually didn't do that great, I am really disappointed with my grades. Don't let anyone fool you--college is so hard!! I will definitely have to study much more this coming semester to insure my scholarships. If I do worse, my parents [have threatened to/will] not pay anymore for my $60,000 a year tuition for a music degree....(with my scholarships and loans, they pay less than $30,000 a year, but that is still way more than they can afford, and I will be in debt to my loans for the rest of life).

- A while back, I made a bucket list with my roommate, on things that we need to do while in NYC.
Here are some things we've already done: The Daily Show/Colbert Report, Webster Hall, BBQ, rooftop parties, get busted, 'combine elements', Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, and some other stuff that I don't remember (along with some other stuff that we should have put on the list).

- A friend of mine had a "republican debate viewing party" I strongly disagree with the politics if the conservative right, but so does she, and everyone who attended the party. She made up a drinking game for the debate that had at least 6 rules, not including obvious ones (i.e. drink every time someone says 'jobs'). Some where very specific: do a shot every time Ron Paul interrupts. But my favorite one was, chug a beer if anyone says something ridiculously racist/sexist--which did happen.  

That is good for now.
Goodnight xx

PS. Do you believe there will be an apocalypse, and the world will end in 2012?!? Apparently NASA had to make an announcement saying that the world will NOT end, and everyone should not worry....haha. My father, who grew up in Mexico City, tells me that the Mayans predicted some kind of 'eras' that where lengths of times larger than years (related to astronomy). It is understood that the Mayans did not say that time would 'end' in 2012, they just believed it to be the beginning of an era, in which something will be different (kind of like the ice age). However, I am not quite sure. I just don't think any of this apocalypse stuff is true.  

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